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Burping Bonus
Burping is one of the more obvious external signs of indigestion, and is caused when the body tries to release bubbles of gas from the stomach.

Did you know...?

  • Burping is the first thing a baby actually "learns" to do. Its instincts are to suckle, cry, breathe, wee and poo, but it's the parent that teaches a baby to burp by patting it on the back.
  • Some European birds and other animals can produce a voice by breathing air into the wind pipe then belching it out.
  • The World record for the loudest burp in the world is held by a Brit - Paul Hunn of Edmonton, London. It was registered at 118.1 dB on April 5, 2000. Previously, an American (John Oesch) was the record holder with a belch of 115.2 dB
  • Definition of a belch as appears in Webster's:
    Pronunciation: 'belch
    Function: verb
    Etymology: Middle English, from Old English “bealcan”
    1 : to expel gas suddenly from the stomach through the mouth
    2 : to erupt, explode, or detonate violently
    3 : to issue forth spasmodically : gush
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